Saturday, May 2, 2009


I ran into Patrick Rugg at a track meet in Negaunee on Wednesday. He is currently living in Gwinn and working in Marquette. He said he's lived here for 3 years. I can't believe I haven't run into him before. Do you need his email?


  1. The address that I recently used didn't come back to me. If you have a new one please get it to me then I will update our records. I'm very disappointed at the number of responses for the reunion. You and Jill are the only two. Maybe there is no interest and we should just forget it.........

  2. Krissa nice to here from you...still discussing logistics of travel w/ my wife. Will let you know if I or We can make it by mid-week! Thanks George Lowe

  3. George,
    It would be great to see you again, hope you make it up! Give me a call sometime, 906-250-5852.
